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The Learning Curve

The Learning Curve

March 11, 2021

The Learning Curve 1. Remembering Our today’s education system is based on remembering and reproducing in exams to get a degree. We have Google & the internet; at our fingertips, we can access information any time and from anywhere.  Today

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Required Humans NOT Robots

Required Humans NOT Robots

January 23, 2020

Automation in industries have taken away millions of jobs and now it is estimated that around 20 million jobs could   be taken over by robots by 2030. We have seen a rise in technological applications across sectors which has changed the way bu

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Tips for Interview

Tips for Interview

February 1, 2019

1) Research the Industry and company The interviewer may expect you to know how clients perceive the company’s position in the industry, company’s competitors, advantages or disadvantages over competitors, Industry & company details. 2) The

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